Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-133
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-10-06 21:48:30.0
Language : English
Konu : Management and Strategy
Number of pages: 379-389
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The main purpose of this research is to examine the intellectual capital and how intellectual capital effects on job performance of the employees at Palestinian companies’ in the digital age. Specific aims included the synthesizing the prior literatures and definitions related to intellectual capital dimensions and job performance, refining conceptual definitions of the interrelationship among intellectual capital dimensions, productivity. The analytical descriptive method was used to achieve the research objectives. Questionnaires were distributed (which was44 individuals) to management in Palestinian companies. The SPSS statistical package was used to analyze the results, after analyzing the results and testing the hypotheses, it was concluded that Intellectual capital has a positive and significant impact on job performance and concluded that technology has a positive and significant impact on Intellectual capital and job performance. There were several recommendations after the study. The most important recommendation is that the future studies may include the relationship between the components of  intellectual capital and job performance other personal, situational, and organizational variables in the research model in order to examine other contingent parameters that may have a role on the intellectual capital and job performance relationship.


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